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I'm team Sontendo. If I had to choose I suppose I'd say Sony because I buy their systems at launch and buy more games for them, but Nintendo always holds a special place in my heart for their awesome franchises and local MP mastery, even if I only buy their systems when they're around $200. Sony I just admire for their focus on deep, immersive, story driven experiences and SP focused exclusives. Also PS+ is the best subscription I've ever gotten with all the value I've gotten out of it. I also love how they support their system all the way to the bitter end with GoW, LoU, Beyond, and Puppeteer still to look forward to on PS3 despite PS4 coming this holiday. That's why I'll be getting PS4 day one and enjoy it for 10+ years.

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers