_crazy_man_ said:
DanneSandin said:
easyrider said:
ironmanDX said: MS have about 10 "next gen" titles in the works now. Barely anytime for media at e3. My prediction? More anti-ms threads on the way. |
It's Doooooomzzzed!!. Yep this sounds like pure anecdotal information.
My friend that has told me tonz of great info, said you can get into the xbox 720 and drive it like a monter truck with six whells. I'm writing this thread just to see break downs. Cause I really have no source and I have never posted anything worth confirming my sources validity of my source but you gots toooo's bElieve mEEE
Prepare to be majorly disappointed if MS doesn't change the course they're on... And look up my PS4 e3 prediction thread for more info on what's going to happen at e3...
Your kinda putting your predictions into almost fact territory here.
And this "hey guys I got dis legit source, trust me!" usually doesn't go well.
I hope my source isn't bullshitting me, because.. I'd lose a lot of bet and I'd have to make a "I'm Sorry, I was wrong" thread :P