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WagnerPaiva said:
platformmaster918 said:

Sounds plausible, as I like Sony better, I hope MS have lower specs, althought I don´t want them to fail either, I may very well have both consoles, like I did in this gen, but ""Sony is much more appealing to me and treat me much better as a gamer, so, I hope they have the specs to outlast the competition.""


Look at your last sentence above.. I had a PS2 and i thought they treated me better to until I saw the PS3 price.. I eventually got a bluray player for 70 dollars..

The PS3 was also built more powerful and to outlast thr competition & look how that turned out !!  .. Are the PS3 crowd still talking about how the PS3 will be competing against the new xbox cuz it would be selling long after the xbox 360?? Nope.. Suddenly the PS3 will be an outdated antique! It cost more to buy, more to build and Sony just lost money..

First of all.. Both systems will be x86.. Know what this means.. More ports... Games will be too close in quality to tell.. Games will not look much better then now ( although games should all be 1080p and have much better frame rates).. According to John Carmack the more powerful cpu will improve artificial intelligence in games - no more mob mentality. If you think because the PS4 is 7 times more powerful then the xb360 - while the New Xbox is only 6 times more - That youll see a visually big diference that would be a pure pipe dream.. Listen up- The best selling titles on both systems will continue to be multi-platform titles like COD ! Why do you think Sony is going the x86 route?? You think its because they beleive developers making multiplatform games are dedicated to making the absolute best graphics on each system?? Haha there will probably be less exclusives then ever-, now that Sony and MS are using the same architecture - itll be so much easier to port from pc to console,or from xbox to playstation..
I posted this as well in another post:

I built many custom PC's and faster memory often means very little in real word peformance.. Faster GDDR5 will actually be waiting on the system bus..the bus is where the data travels between the cpu, gpu, memory, hard drive and bluray player. The system is only as fast as the slowest piece my friends and that will be mostly the HARD Drive...The hardrive is much much slower.. Only the bluray drive is slower. Games will probably still have to be installed to the hard drive because even with 6x bluray i would think games wouldnt run smooth enough.. This is exactly why GDDR5 is a waste.. Microsoft has been doing x86' much longer and has more experience then Sony ever thought - They make windows - which runs on x86.. And The first XBOX WAS X86! MS knows what will be useable and what will not. The Microsoft answer is to use GDDR3 which is still faster the the system bus - why use faster memory - except for hype and marketing ? it should add to the cost of the console- ( if Sony sells their console at the same price as the xbox - will they lose money? ) Another smart solution is to speed up the system bus - its rumored MS will use a small cache of ESram ( exspensive and much faster then GDDR5 ) and it will be placed directly on the GPU - this will give the system similar bandwidth the PS4 using GDDR5... MS is making the bus fastest where it actually matters where the cpu/gpu/memmory all communicate... If any does or doesnt understand this concept that the system waits on the slowest piece... Just ask anyone who has upgraded from a mechanical hard-drive ( in their windows PC ) like the one found in any console and the PS4 to a 'Solid State Hard drive... You go from loading windows in 12 seconds to 2 seconds.. Files save faster..everything is faster.. You can build a high end PC with the best cpu... And if that PC uses a hardrive like the ones found in consoles it could still perform slower then one using a Solid State Hard drive..