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sanabago21 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Chark said:
JayWood2010 said:

I'm not sure how much memory the OS will need to run.  2GB is reserved for the OS, I'm almost positive of this, but if you want to wait for confirmation on that you can, but that will likely be the number.  The 2-4 left over will be to run the games if i didnt explain that.  Dont look at this as a bad thing as the OS is very important and it is a good thing that they invested in a good OS because we all know MSFT might be heading towards a W8 like OS.

I'm confused again? 2+2-4 = 4-6

2GB - OS
4GB - Dedicated Memory

This is pretty inaccurate. Unified memory is gonna look more like1GB-Os7GB to be shared between graphics and CPU.Im really not sure where you got this idea from since the PS3 was unshared memory where half was dedicated to the CPU and the other half to the GPU.SHared memory means just that the memory pool is shared for graphic tasks and cpu tasks there will be no dedicated memory for the GPU as in a desktop PC.
Also the developers who have spoken about the ps4 have said that 1gb or less will be used for the OS not 2gb.THe xbox 720 has been rumored to use up to 3gb of memory for the OS cause of how much memory  kinect needs, PS4 does not have those requirements. Remember the ps3 used something like 48mb for its OS why do u think the ps4 is gonna need 2gb?You need to stop stating this as if it is fact when developers have said otherwise


why are you comparing the PS3 OS to the PS4 OS.  Completely different entities.   I'll be shocked if the PS4's OS doesn't have 2GB reserved.  It may be lower but I doubt that it will.  A lot of the things they was talking about in that conference will take up a lot of memory like streaming or recording.  Also they are now using multitasking are they not?  That also uses memory.  

As far as the GPU and Dedicated Memory those two could possibly be changed around depending on the developes but No matter what they have to use memory for the GPU using that 6gb of memory.