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I'm a Sony fan and I really don't care. PS4 is a big leap is what that presentation showed me and the RAM in it will ensure quick app switching, boot up time, and loading times along with bigger environments and 1080p gaming. I buy Sony systems because they have the best first party stable in the industry. I'm buying it for SSM, GG, ND, SP, QD, Polyphony, PSN games, Evolution, free online (for basics and awesome game giveaways with plus), and hardcore gamer catering. This is what Sony has repeatedly emphasized even when recently a news reporter kept asking Tretton if there were enough hardcores to support them and he basically said that there were and that he hopes to convert those cell phone gamers to hardcore ones because PS4 will offer such a rich experience. Given my experience with their last 3 home consoles I'm inclined to believe him.

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers