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zero129 said:

They didnt?, Well i guess if you count demos as games they didnt go 3 whole years. But if you only include their Main line GT games they have been getting longer and longer to make

GT1-2 = 2 years

GT2-3 = 2 years

GT3-4 = 3 years??

GT4-5 = 5 years

So yeah as you can see their dev time have been growing a lot. i mean 5 years to make a game means you need to get your studio in check imo.

I don't understand the bolded line of argument.  I'm not defending the way Polyphony do things because it's a pretty cack-handed way of releasing games.  But people like to say "Omg they take forever to release games" like they don't do anything in between. If you count full games they've developed, it's a lot more like:

GT1-2 = 2 years

GT2-3 = 1 & a half years

GT3-4 = 3 & a half years (with a prologue in between)

GT4-TT = Just over 1 year

TT-GTPSP = 3 & a half years (with a prologue in between)

GTPSP-GT5 = 1 year

So yeah, the longest dev time they've had been full titles has never been longer than 3-and-a-half years, and whenever they've done that they released a prologue in between.  Going by that logic, we are due GT6 prologue some time this year, with the next full game coming in 2014.  I think the problem is that people expect more from them since Gran Turismo is Sony's most important franchises; and that teams like Naughty Dog & Santa Monica have quite frankly shown them up by demonstrating how to develop efficiently on PS3.


OT:  Doesn't seem like the kind of thing you'd just drop in conversation like that, especially among a list of already-announced games.  I'll believe it when I see it.  Would be an incredibly silly move if true, though.  I already think releasing God of War: Ascension of PS3 is a weird choice; GT6 on PS3 too would be like they don't even want PS4 to sell.  Maybe they don't.  Maybe they'll be selling at a loss from launch, so don't want to bring their system selling franchises too early :P