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I would love to see Apple try and enter the video games industry but four competitors rarely survive successfully side by side one always gets killed off.

In this case I think Apple should tackle gaming on its Mac computers before tackling the entire industry. The industry relies heavily on first party content and Apple has no history in creating high quality first party games. infact other then contracting Bungie I'm not sure Apple is even making games internally. I heard of the small games for IPOD but any functional full fledged internal studios at Apple?

 Fact is it takes guts to enter the industry and take on the likes of Nintendo and Sony. Microsoft had the balls and the internal studios and money to throw away. But Apple doesn't have the internal studios or the money at their disposal to truly compete in the industry.

That being said if Apple enters the industry and can give me some new high quality first party IP's I'd be glad to pick up their new console! 


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer