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RolStoppable said:
thismeintiel said:

While the was PS3 down ~950K throughout the year up to the pricecut, but this was mostly due to MS dropping the 360's entry price to $199 in late '08, which again made the entry price for the PS3 $200 more than the 360. 

Actually, I've given you plenty of reasons the PS4 will be fine.  You have failed to give me any real reasons it will do poorly.

Nope, you haven't given any reasons why the PS4 will be fine. Your reasoning for PS4's success is pretty much identical to your reasoning for PSV's success. Specs, a supposedly great launch price and supposedly fantastic third party support.

I've made you aware that third parties will make their games multiplatform on seventh and eighth generation consoles. This pretty much puts the full responsibility for moving PS4s on Sony's first party and whatever exclusive deal they manage to get with third parties. I asked you what games you expect to be ready for launch, a question you have yet to answer. What reason is there for PS3 owners to buy an expensive PS4 when all the big third party games will still be on the PS3? Why would they upgrade to a PS4 when these games are merely PS3 games with higher resolutions and a handful of additional special effects? Why would anybody else choose to buy a PS4 over a PS3 or 360 for that matter?

If it comes down to Sony's first party, then why should anyone believe that the PS4 will be fine? Sony's first party has yet to play a major role in making any of their video game systems a success, so why would it be different this time around, especially after they've closed/restructured several of their studios in the past couple of years? The PSV is reliant on this first party support as well, but Sony's efforts haven't changed the fortunes of the handheld so far. Granted, on the PS4 they will use their first string developers, so the situation isn't going to be as bleak as on the PSV.

Consider this: Third parties aren't going to abandon the 360 and PS3 due to the tiny installed bases of next generation consoles. This will translate to rocky starts for the PS4 and Nextbox which in turn means that third parties will continue to bring their games to seventh generation consoles for a while longer. You should expect that it will take at least two years until third parties at large begin to make eighth generation consoles their lead platform to take full advantage of those systems. Until then there won't be much incentive for consumers to upgrade, because what we know of the PS4 and expect of the Nextbox is anything but exciting. We are going to see a repeat of the transition from the sixth to seventh generation, only this time around with lower sales levels.

Be my guest and explain how Sony will stagger their releases through 2014 to maintain their launch momentum for the PS4, a $400+ system.

Sony home consoles and portables are incomparable imo.  They've had 2 portables and their most successful one sold just 1/2 of its competitor.  They've had 3 home consoles with 2 being dominant market leaders and one on pace to be near 100m by the time it stops selling.

I also take issue with your statement that Sony first party has had no influence on their systems.  The PS3 gave no reason for consumers to buy it (more expensive and late compared to the system it was directly opposing with shoddy third party support and sub par online features at first) other than free online and its first party games yet it has outpaced the 360's sales and is probably going to reach at least 90m sales lifetime.  By process of elimination it's one of the two and I've personnally sold 3 people on PS3 just by showing them the first party games.  If anything Sony's biggest flaw is advertising, or advertising poorly with no features listed or gameplay showed,  its games.  Hopefully that will be fixed this upcoming gen.  I see nothing but an upward trend for Playstation this trend with most of these handicaps from last gen either being greatly reduced or non-existent.

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