superchunk said: Didn't God of War 2 arrive very late on PS2, well after PS3 launched? |
Yeah, but that was in Sony's "5 million will buy it even if it has no games" days. Their approach has changed considerably since then, and it's most apparent in their remaining big ps3 releases (at least the ones we know about), as they are all set to release before ps4, while they've lined up their biggest studios to have ps4 titles ready within its first year. Ready at launch, in the case of Geurrilla Games. They took a similar approach with Vita, with Uncharted at launch and titles like LittleBigPlanet soon thereafter.
This is unlike ps3, where SCE's biggest developers had titles lined up for a year after launch at earliest, and studios like Sony Santa Monica were still releasing ps2 games six months after launch.
Also, read my post above. The whole lack of BC thing further complicates this scenario and would make a GT6 for ps3 even more bizarre.