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Dand said:
I am starting to feel like the europeans, about the anxiety to play this game.
The release of the game in my country has been delayed 2 times already, the anxiety is killing me.
It was to be released 02/15, then 02/20, and now it is 02/28, but there is no confirmation.
Nintendo did something really wrong about the shipping manegement of Awakening.

Oh, one more thing, this will be my first fire emblem, any advices about gameplay?
I played the demo and had no difficuties on normal and hard, but on lunatic i cant even pass half the first stage.
So i will be playing on hard.

And about "Pair Up" i dont like this feature, is it really important? I get just a few bonus status but "lose" one unit while pairing, i dont see much gain.

It works like a "Rescue" substitute (although the person who needs rescuing needs to actively pair up with the rescuer, so it doesn't work for fixing a mistake made during a Player Phase), and you can use it to have units shuttle other units around (so mages can"carry", say, cavaliers through sand, or fliers carrying anyone anywhere), and you get a chance of double attack activation which can be very useful, though amusingly double-attack can screw you, like if a non-ranged attacker idles up to your unit in a chokepoint and attacks, where the unit alone might not have killed the enemy, you score a double-attack, the enemy dies, exposing you to more attacks that turn that you might otherwise have not gotten.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.