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Yeah. It's not so much that the robots in them are unknown... as it's not worth localizing for american purchase when it's not going to add much in sales and it's going to cost you a LOT More in licensing fees.

I mean I want to say they use 10+ popular anime series per game.

I also don't know why they would NEED Monolith Soft. I mean the super robot wars games have been using the exact same engine since the original game on the Gameboy. They make slight changes between games... sometimes? But I mean... a talented rom hacker could do about as much as they usually do per game. This side story one does seem to be a different case all together... but I mean usually. It's basically "hey the graphics look slightly better, this shield thing... slightly changed. Also new anime robots!"

The stories are just cobbled together missions tied together to represent episodes of the different shows... like... a fan fiction or something.

These games really don't take much effort at all.

Honestly i'd hope it came out for the PS3 if another console version came out. Due to the PS3 being region free. As Super Robot Wars games are about the only ones i'd import. Well that or Front Mission games if they go back to the glory of 3. Instead of the mediocreness of 4.

Well and a new Tactics Ogre game with the original battle system. Though i'd hate to miss out on the story on a masterpiece like that.