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BasilZero said:
slowmo said:
Dodece said:
The idea that there was any overabundance of hate. Has everything to do with where the most vocal hardcore Sony loyalists went, and where those that didn't go with them stayed. The Sony loyalists swung out to a extreme point of view. While the rest stayed near the center. All the way out there anything that wasn't by default positive, or utter love was viewed as nothing less then hateful.

The Sony faithful just got so swept up. Not by the event itself, but by just the idea of the event. That they lost most of their inhibitions, rationality, and tact. Granted some took advantage to rattle their cages while they were in such a precarious position, but for the most part the majority of posters that aren't among the Sony faithful. Have been fairly even handed, or at least rational about presenting their positions.

I would really like for more of them to come back to reality, and to try to put together a dispassionate case for this or that. Rather then attacking users who just were less then impressed by the unveiling, and most important of all for them to get back to facts. Rather then making outlandish claims. I have read a few whoppers, and I have seen some pretty flagrant rule breaking. I have seen Sony loyalists calling Nintendo fans the Nintendo Defense Forces. I have seen users offer up baseless attacks on other brands, and even in this thread I have seen other posters insult other posters. Just for being a little cheeky.

It has been a couple days now. Restraint should be reasserting itself.

I wish you were a mod

Yes so he can give ban reasons: "For being a huge Sony loyalist or Sony Faithful" l0l. I dont think treating one fanbase in a special way whether it be negative or positive is a clear cut sign for a moderator XD.

And yet we have some mods who clearly have done that in the past. 

Your point I can only assume is naiviety from not understanding that you're criticizing one of the sites most reasonable and respectable posters.  He's probably wrote more relevancy in one post on here at times than most have in 50+.  Whether he has the credentials or not to be a mod are irrelvelant as I was merely stating I'd love him to be a mod as he seems to grasp the concept of what a good mod should be about which is reading trends on a forum and moving to foster healthy debate rather than the pointless bickering we've had this week.