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kingofwale said:
>Look at the number of DS's in Japan. I'd guess a large number of PS3 owners in Japan own a DS

I hope no idiot would go to the story and say "Oh, there's DQ and FF, but I only want to buy one of them". It's like Halo 3 and Bioshock, both games will sell well, people will buy both.

They need to just state a release date and get it over with.

It's not like FF13 is going to disapear if they don't buy it right away.

The difference between DQ and FF from Halo 3 and Bioshock is that either game is going to have about 4-5 times the hours of gamelay in them than both Halo 3 and bioshock will combined.

RPGs are also games you generally have to play from beggining to end without much other games getting played if you want to fully enjoy the story.  Playing 2 RPGs at the same time can really mess with the story presentation. 

No doubt FF13 will still be purchased. However the purchase may not be as frontloaded if people are still plowing through DQ. People might wait to buy it. Maybe even wait till it gets a bit cheaper.

Which would hurt FF13's advance numbers. Which would hurt the franchise and in some ways their financials as it would downgrade the value of the Final Fantasy brand slightly which is one of Square Enix's most powerful advantages.