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Conegamer said:
_crazy_man_ said:
Mr Khan said:
You never quite want to kill all of mankind quite like when an enemy connects on a 2% crit chance

Fuck all living beings.

Lunatic takes this to 11.

I got crit at 1% twice in a row....

Good news tho I finally beat chapter 5 on Lunatic!

Nice, only 21 more main story mission and around 20 Paralogues to go! 

Awakening Lunatic is just like most FE hard/lunatic modes, its starts unbearably hard but gets easier as it goes.  This takes longer in Awakening tho cause enemies start getting near cap stats outta no where.  And bosses later on get some crazy OP skill combinations (boss on chapter 25 has axe/lance/sword breaker skills and last boss on Lunatic is insane with high chance to crit and a +30% skill activator skill).

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

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