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Do you still trust MS enough to get their Next Console?

when someone talks about RROD i already know where their mentality is. i've never had a RROD but i've had a couple yellow PS3 so which is worst?

ok is it just me but the thread and it's poll should be ask toward people that actually own a 360 not someone that was thinking about it? shouldn't you have had trust in the first place to "still" trust? most of the negatives are people with blind animosity. not saying microsoft hasnt ticked off alot of gamers including myself the last couple years.

besides can you agree they will have some games the level dont matter. do you agree microsoft is not some rink-a-dink company that will shut down over night leaving you with nothing but a door stop?

that's ALL the trust you have to have.

geesh just get both or all 3 and enjoy yourself. i already know some will say they can't justify wasting money on something they never use but have expensive excercise equipment with more dust than an old womans crotch