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The 360 was not great at all. The xbox1 was and showed a huge effort on MS part to enter the industry. The 360 lacked alot of games moving through the gen with tired halo releases and Forzas. I really hope now that with MS spending lots of money opening new first party studios they will now release more new original IP's and give Halo a long break. If they show 4 or 5 new IPs at launch that's arnt just shooters and show that they plan to release lots of interesting and new IPs through the gen il buy the next box on launch like I did 1 and 350! That's my hope anyway.

I can never understand people who think the 360 was a solid platform but that's because I'm not them and I have different tastes. This goes for you 2 op. what I wrote is my opinion on why I hated the Xbox this gen. But looking forward I'm sure MS will change things up. Also obviously LIVE has to be free also for me to buy. I'm not paying for something Sony does the same if not better now.