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VGKing said:
sales2099 said:
Shouldn't they shrug it off because they are the most numerous gaming faction of the internet? Some people seem overly sensitive to what minority factions have to say. I see a double standard going on here.

This article will come off as righteous, if a Xbox centric article told PS fans to give the next Xbox a chance, it would be dismissed immediately.

You're right. We should probably ingnore anything people like you say.

That's right, I've noticed your comments. If I didn't know any better, I'd spend hours and hours getting into multiple arguments refuting your ridiculous logic. But it's pointless since you have a clear agenda and nothing will chance your mind. PS4 sucks and that's that, right? Anything Microsoft does will be better. Always-on Online, No used games? Weaker specs? Who cares, its an Xbox so its automatically the best thing ever.

do what 99% of users here do. IGNORE. hardly anyone ever bothers replying to him as its a complete waste of time. you get more valuable social interaction talking to a wall.