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What I see going on here is a cyclic response system. It starts with the announcement of the PS4. From this, a group of hardcore PS fans go crazy and act like this is simply the best thing to ever happen so they spam their happy opinions about the PS4 and talk a bit of crap (basically "in your face" attacks) to what they view as the "opposition". Due to the overbearing and spam-like nature of this group of PS fans you have the hardcore fans from the opposition group try to downplay it in varying amounts (this can range anywhere from poking fun to extreme downplaying where nothing in the announcement was good enough). This causes said PS fans to go on the defensive (keep in mind they are still very uppity due to their excitement) and talk about the "incredible amount of haters".

And the cycle continues slowly sucking up lesser hardcore fans until whole factions are at war with each other. This continues until enough of the hardcore fans on all sides are banned to settle things down.

It's the curse of being passionate about something.