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Kyuu said:
Immortal said:
Not trying to be ironic here, but, ever since the announcement, I've seen WAY more hate for "haters" who don't want to worship the PS4 and consider it the second coming of Christ than I have actual hate for the PS4.

PS4 fans need to calm down a bit in their defensiveness.

Fanboys are everywhere. From my perspective, I see much more abuse, immature behavior, and total nonsense coming from PS4 haters and it almost surprises me how some people see it different.

You nailed it. We're just seeing things differently. Not much we can argue if we just have different perspectives.

Still, what do you consider "hate"? I'll agree that there's plenty of non-Sony fans that are trying to rain on PS4's parade, plenty of people making snarky comments (I myself said that I'm a lot more confident about Wii U since the PS4 announcement ;D) and such, but I see nothing too severe.

It's definitely not nearly as bad as, say, the hateful response to Wii U after it was announced. Despite the greater hate, the Nintendo Defence Force didn't get activated very much at all. So in comparison, Sony fan reaction seems extreme. There's definitely at least half a dozen threads already debunking "hater" conspiracies.


“These are my principles; if you don’t like them, I have others.” – Groucho Marx