Turkish said:
I agree they were, however under OPS def of not letting devs knwo about the extra ram is the same as Sony changing it up on them.
What OP forgets is that devs had early dev kits, so perhaps NIntendo was still optimising/testing the hardware before releasing the other RAM to developers.
Conegamer has raised a good point, why did 3rd party who was on board praise the hardware for what it was and now don't want anything to do with it.
If locking 234mb of ram in a first dev kit is enough to piss people of CRY ME A FUCKING RIVER.
Also hasn't everyone been saying that 3rd parties are a emotionelss business (LOGICAL LEVEL HEADED) and dont get pissed off when people mentioned EA and origin debacle. SO if these developer are a emotionless business, they should not care about the early dev kits having restrictions.