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All, this is not the way to combat spammers. By making this thread you are doing exactly what they want you to do: give them attention.

1. Don't make threads about them.
2. Don't respond to their posts.
3. Delete their comments in your profile if you must
4. The only response you should make is reporting them. Nothing else.

We know there is a spammer and we know an IP ban tool would be awesome. We are doing everything we can to stop him as he makes accounts and that's all we can do at the moment. I personally don't care if you think he's Leo-J, Wiiforever, or whomever. I don't care about your silly little comments after he posts. If you see someone spamming in your profile or in a thread, just report it and move on.

I am leaving this open only so people will read this.  DO NOT RESPOND.  Just read this and move on.  I know the spammer will see this but I don't care.  If they decide to spam this thread, then it will just get bumped and more people will see to ignore him.