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guzzi said:
ethomaz said:
guzzi said:
Can somebody of the usual guys like Turkish, eThomaz and Aldro explain me, why it is okay to say:
"omfg that looks awesome!"
but when someone says
"i think crysis 3 looks better" or "mewww dont like it, looks like mass effect"
he is downplayed and critisized? is no other opinion allowed here? shall we all be on the hype-train? why?

just asking because honestly i dont think it looks that next-gen-worthy. show that to my mum and show her crysis 3 or kz3 and she would ask me: wheres the diffeence? looks okay, but shouldnt next-gen be a significant leap? at least you guys act like it is. i just dont see it.

It's the guy and not what he said.

Show to your mum Crysis 3 on PS3 and then Killzone on PS4...

I would if the PS4 was already out.

But since then i try to stay neutral and dont freak out because of one minute of gameplay, where a lot looks scripted. Just think about it...what would have happend if the Player hadnt reached the Copter? Start again? Copter waiting in air? THATS the thing i expect from next-gen: realistic behaviour of NPC-AI. Not another CoD-FPS-Shooter...

Some people like linear games, let us be!