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Currently, If you want 8GB of GDDR5 RAM for a PC you will have to spend about $3,000.  Even now, 4GB GDDR5 RAM is extremely hard to find let alone buy so I am intensely curious as to how Sony managed to fit this much GDDR5 RAM into the PS4 without pushing the cost of the Console well above $1000.

This RAM situation kind of defies the current possibilities and logic of computer electronics, I just cannot wrap my head around how this is even remotely possible.

I would be able to understand if Sony said they have 4GB GDDR5 RAM overclocked to approach 8GB GDDR5, but they blatantly and straight up said, "We have 8GB GDDR5 RAM..." And the tech world went, "Whaaaaaaa??!"

I R Confused

...uhh...ill just put my favorite quote of all time here.

"Welcome to Pain, the second of three...You have dealt the deal with me!!"