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Man you folks just don't get it,Nintendo has broadened the market by going casual,cheap and fun,and is now rolling in the dough.

How soon everyone forgets that sitting in the wings with a whole library of IP's is SEGA whose last console(DREAMCAST) coulda,shoulda,woulda won the last generation war if they had had the money to promote it to the masses.Sony ran roughshod all over the DC with all kinds of lies and promises that Sega could not combat because they were broke.

Apple and Sega are a natural match as Apple has the money and Sega has the games.Sega also just renewed the Dreamcast trademark,and they do want back into the console market,even though they are but a shell of their former self.

If Apple also wants in with decent launch titles,they should be talking to Sega!

Dreamcast-18 years later "It's Still Thinking"