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What i see is a PSP situation. Decent hardware sales but mediocre software sales. Now i fully believe that the ps3 will do better moving software than the psp, just not drastically and not near enough to come close to being profitable. Remember that companies make money off their systems through game sales not from hardware sales (except Nintendo who always manages to make money on their systems).. This will in fact hurt playstation. Third parties will be unwilling to make games for playstation if they dont think it will sell enough to be profitable. When the PS4 comes out it will lack third party support and will struggle to get any good games. It will take Wii like succes to convince third parties to come back. just look at the gamecube. Third parties were scared away after the n64 and so the gamecube got very little support. So basically if a lot of people buy the ps3 mainly to watch blu ray and dont buy many games, this could really kill the playstation.

Now i can be way way off in my predictions but hey, atleast my prediction has atleast a shred of of being possible, unlike 90% of the predictions these professional analysts have made these days.