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That's a good insight. I don't think Skyward Sword lacked the classical Zelda feel, but the lack of exploration was definitely felt. If anything, Skyward Sword is the epitome of what Zelda became starting with Ocarina of Time; Zelda as heroic myth and legend. If you look at the narrative, themes, music and Skyward Sword as the genesis story for the cycle of rebirth of Zelda, Link and Evil/Ganon, Skyward Sword, more so than any other game in the series, is The Legend of Zelda. It's so concerned with the themes and tropes that pervade the series that it sets out to establish them.

That said, the critique of motion control coming at the expense of non-linearity is spot on. I don't think it's relevant as a criticism of Skyward Sword, which I believe is an excellent game regardless of what it doesn't do, but it is an apt and insightful observation of the direction the series needs to take. As much as I love Skyward Sword, I don't want another Zelda game like it. Let's return to taking the sword because it's dangerous to go alone.