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Mnementh said:
Some thoughts about WiiU I had with the data recently. I also noticed the adjustment, that increased sales for WiiU for 2012 and decreased it for 2013. That makes the pretty good launch even better and the horrible drop off into 2013 even worse. The numbers are strange: WiiU had a real good launch, it nearly reached Wii-launch-numbers and was clearly better than the launch of Ps3, XBOX360 and Vita. I was not expecting that at the moment, I was expecting WiiU to sell half of what the Wii did. So my hopes were up at the launch-numbers. Than the drop-off in 2013. It fell from much higher launch-number than PS3 and X360 to much lower weekly sales than the two. That was unexpected for me too, and gives me now bad feelings about WiiUs future.
What can it mean? I have two theories:
1) It was bought at launch from core-gamers in expectations of the games already announced at launch or for games expected from Nintendo (Zelda, 3D Mario, Metroid). As even core-gamers usually buy the system at the release of the games they want, this would point to a really small customer-base of core-core-gamers and die hard Nintendo-fans. That would be a real bad sign for future sales. That also means, the sales will only moderatly increase on the release of MH and other Q1/Q2-titles (as many bought it already in expectation of the games known at launch, hence the good launch-numbers). But sales will not get further increases, as long as not other big names are released.
2) The high numbers were not launch-related but because of the holidays. That would point to non-core-gamers and would be generally a good sign for future sales. The sales are bad now, because it has nearly no games with casual appeal and was bought in that case for Just Dance 4 on the holidays. That would mean we could expect increasing sales on WiiFitU, Just Dance 5 and the next holidays.

I have no idea which of the two it is (or maybe a combination of the two), but that is what I make of the numbers.

i wish i had real data for it but as i understand it the gamecube had similar sales pattern in that it had a really good launch and then sales dropped off very quickly.  i've never seen full data for this just restating what i've heard.  i think of the big three nintendo has some of the most loyal fans.  they've been around a lot longer and with nintendo it's not that hard to buy on "faith" because announced or not we all know wiiU will get a mario kart, a smash bros, a zelda, ect.

anyways, it will be interesting to see what happens come march.  will games turn things around or is that not possible as wiiU has a wrong "underlying philosophy of a console" as rol stated.  

actually, we might get a glimce come tomorrow.  will ps4 be a "beast" as eurphoria and mugen claim or a marigin increase as superchunk claims.  i kind of feel like a lot of people, like myself, just want to make an informed decision.  holding out on wiiU for 3 months is easy but if ps4 is a disappointment i could see many hold out not holding out any longer.