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Depends on what you mean by "Successful" ...  it is primarily an arbitrary term that can be argued regardless of the outcome.


Personally, I mentioned around January 2007 that the PS3 was built based on the unmaintainable spending habits of Americans which were (likely) going to be reversed in the future; Americans had increased their spending power far faster than their incomes through easy to access credit and imaginary home equity. Every day it seems more and more likely that Americans will be forced to live within their means for the foreseable future. What does this mean?

Expect HDTV adoption to slow as fewer Americans can (and are willing to) increase their debt load to buy a $1000+ toy; with fewer HDTVs expect "High Definition" to become less of a selling feature for Blu-Ray movies and Videogame consoles in the near future. Expect people to change what they mean by "big purchases" and for anything over $100 to $200 to become a "big purchase" for most families.

All in all, although Blu-Ray will help the PS3 don't expect its sales to ascend to a new level ...