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Also. Shakespeares plays are about as straight foward as they come. Have any of you actually read them? They spell out their intentions scenes before it happens. I mean... they often have little speaches where they directly tell the audience why they are doing something. It's about the exact opposite of FF7.

I mean... it'd be hard to find a more straight forward piece of literature then Hamlet. Maybe Last Action Hero the novelization.

The only reason some critics argue about some aspects of Shakespeares plays is that they weren't meant to be read.  They were meant to be performed... and it's been a long time since they were performed and Shakespeare could instruct the actors what emotions they were directly supposed to be displaying.  Had videotapes existed when Shakespeare and his gang put on his plays there would be no debates.

Well that and because people who have masters degrees in Literature need to keep busy. 

FF7 is really more like a cartoon series in it's plot layout.

The reason they are classics now is because nobody gets the jokes anymore. If Shakespeare was alive today he would be writing Adam Sandler movies. The culture has changed really.


Also if you think FF Tactics is a work of literature. You should play "Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together." (It was made by the same guys. Square saw TO:LUCT bought out the design team and basically said "Make us the same thing, but with final fantasy 5's job system!" (You can pick it up for PS1, so if you've got a PS1, PS2, or PS3 you really don't have much excuse not to.)

It's basically where they got the story from... also like 70% of the graphics and gameplay. It's a much better story then FF Tactics which was basically "ZOMG Christianity is EVIL and demons are doing stuff but we'll vaguely hide the fact that it's Christianity."

Not saying FFT is bad... it's one of my favorite games... but saying it's a great work of literature... not so much.