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walsufnir said:

So Halo 4 in 3rd place even with PS3 "dominating"? Impressive! Would have been nice if they had shown the ratio of the sold multi-plats...

And? The only biggest execlusive in consoles last year... so you expected it to sell bad? PS3 sold more hardware and software than 360 in 2010, 2011 and 2012... befor that the 360 sold more.

You call for numbers here... the latest numbers are ~1.4 million for both consoles in late 2010 (1.34m for PS3 and 1.37m for 360) and after that PS3 sold more in 2011 and 2012... so make your maths.

The PS3 was the only console to have double digit sales growth year-on-year in Australia... at least in the first half of the year: (yeah... it was up yoy in 2012 over 10%)... PS3 + PSP + Vita made up 43% of hardware sales in Aus in first-half 2012 too (you know Vita is dead and PSP not selling that much too... PS3 is having nice sales in Aus).

That's a fact.