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I hate ff7 because cloud is emo and it is so over rated. And it graphics sucked but chrono trigger and ff4 had good graphics, ya know for their time even though theyre old. I only enjoy SNES rpg's because any attempt in improving a series is just selling out. Oh yeah and while im at it halo is gay too. I mean really these 2 games suck so bad. Their stories are so cliched and dumb. Only posers like them. I only play half life 2 and ff 6 but the wii is cool cause nintendo made it cuz ya know, they are innovative and stuff. I dont care that they dont use voice acting, have any cut scense to explain stories, and rehash the same games over and over. They are the definition of innovation cuz everyone on internet the says so and the internet is never wrong. Oh yeah and cloud is gay.