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fedfed said:
Osc89 said:
fedfed said:
Pavolink said:
fedfed said:

a bit bigger tahn average bulge but great body. you should have seen the guys I have been meeting recenlty.

8 and plus inchs my side and I am always feeling small...

8 and plus inches?! I said wow...

Where did you meet them?

8.3/8.4 is mine. recently i found all 9inch and quite thick. one was 10.2 inches measureed by myslef so yes tehy do exist!


London! Not too mention that I m top and i do even suck usually plus I will have no idea form where to start

London? I'm clearly living in the wrong part

you clearly are. in the last year is becoming impossible... super super big everywhere I go! and thank God is pretty much everyone btm! lol I will show you around sometimes!