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I have the feeling that Bethesda is going to take one of my top five franchises of all time and Oblivion-ize it, killing all its charm.

Wandering around is fine... Size of environment is fine...Don't really care about those parts. What scares the shit out of me is Bethesda's admittal that "we're not really into humor in games"... Well, THEN WHY DID YOU BUY THE FALLOUT FRANCHISE?

Fallout's main draw is its rich environment, hilarious NPCs, and the ability to do some crazy shit as the main character (killing entire towns, contracting STDs, prostitution, etc). But amidst it all, there was a real story underneath all the Fallout games. More than I've gotten from any Bethesda game, anyway.

I hope I'm wrong but I don't think Bethesda has it in them. I think they're going to create a beautiful game that will be an empty shell of Fallout's former greatness. New gamers will probably love it, old Fallout gamers will probably burn Bethesda to the ground for ruining one of the greatest WRPGs ever created.

I really wish someone like BioWare had snatched up this franchise while it was available. 

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