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I think that Killzone 2 definitely has the potential to turn out great, though I'm by no means sure if it will. There were four main problems that plagued the original Killzone, in my opinion:

- Spotty AI
- Damn near non-existent physics
- Graphical glitches galore
- Linear and repetitive level design (SP only)

Given all the changes that have happened to Guerrilla Games since the first Killzone (bought by Sony, quadrupled in size, given massive budget, and given the help of Sony Cambridge), I believe that all of these problems can be rectified in the sequel, and from what we've seen from E3'07, it appears that two of them already have (physics and graphical glitches, though the latter could've been solved in the first with just a month more of polish). In addition to this, the gameplay in general seems to have been improved somewhat. It just looks more enjoyable to play, imo, though we should really wait on more previews, or the games release, before judging something like that. *cough*Lair*cough*

There were two aspects of the original Killzone that I enjoyed: 1. The artstyle (the Helghast look badass, what can I say), and 2. The multiplayer. The game easily had the best online of any ps2 game, imo. Considering the fact that GG has said that KZ2 will have "very robust online", and given their success with the ps2's meager offerings, I think that the online multiplayer of Killzone 2 will be enjoyable, if nothing else.

In the end, I think that Killzone 2 is on the path of success. Whether it gets there or not, we won't know until it releases, but Sony doesn't throw it's full weight behind something for no reason.

I can only hope that the game turns out well. :)