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Carl2291 said:
RazorDragon said:
Carl2291 said:
Can someone, anyone, tell me what the problem with this is? Why is it causing arguments?

Nintendo HAVE been over reliant on the Mario brand. Its annoying. Its like they darent push the BILLIONS of profit they made into anything else. Sony made a bunch of new AAA IPs. Microsoft are in the process of a bunch of new AAA IPs. Nintendo give us some niche Japanese games and 5 Mario games, maybe with one game from Metroid, Kirby, Zelda or DK.

They really do have a point.

Flingsmash, Endless Ocean, Disaster: Day of Crisis, Steel Diver, Art Style, Excite Truck, Wii Series, Aura-Aura Climber, Fluidity, Pinball Pulse, Starship Defense Dillon's Rolling Western, Sakura Samurai, Art Academy, Pushmo, Ketzal's Corridors and probably a few other new non-Japanese niche games. Also, Nintendo revives its old franchises gloriously, as games like Sin & Punishment 2, X-Scape, Punch-Out!! and Kid Icarus Uprising, which didn't had a sequel in more than 10 years, can prove.


13 Art Style games in 4 Years.
4 Art Academy games in 3 Years.
8 Wii Series games in 5 Years.

Maybe its just the Nintendo way these days to milk franchises a whole lot in a short period of time, if it makes easy profit and has low production values.

Ive hardly heard of any of those games. I looked them up and the majority didnt sell 100k, nevermind anything worthwhile. Are the majority of them DD only?

Did you also see the bit where I said AAA New IP? Are you calling Steel Diver a AAA game?

Some are DD games, and you probably haven't heard of them because most people spread that Nintendo = Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and somehow everyone who hears that automatically belive those people and don't care to look which games Nintendo actually produces.


And, of course, Steel Diver is an AAA game! Do you know how much it costs to create submarines with missiles?