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I hope Sony doesn't have any more "shortages", the first time they did someone literally god killed ;-;.

I dunno, I just don't see it as a very smart move on their part. I mean it's been mentioned that "when microsoft rolls out the newer, more reliable units". 80% of the average Joe consumer doesn't have a clue about this kind of thing anyway >_>; and stores CERTAINLY wont tell you about their failure rate, they WANT you to buy them. Besides, if they "roll over with new units and a price drop", who's to say Sony wont just chuckle and lower they're price as well? Higher demand while MS dicks around, higher demand when both lower the cost :/

From my experience (all personal belief), Sony Playstations build momentum through it's user-base, the more of your friends that have them, the more that sell, and with things like Blu-ray and Free Online, I wouldn't want that becoming more well known if I was Microsoft. Maybe they just shipped too many units to Japan and are pulling them back now xD

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