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Player1x3 said:
DirtyP2002 said:
thismeintiel said:
pezus said:
DirtyP2002 said:
morenoingrato said:
Oh! Yay! Another Mario game!

Anyway, with all this stealth attacking, Sony is raising the bar really high for this 20th. They better show something mindblowing.


No matter what Sony shows, fans will make it like something mindblowing.
They could show a turd with pencils in it and the internet will go nuts over this anyway.

It doesn't matter which games are shown or teased, the internet will go crazy. Look at the games Sony released last year. Some guys here said PSABR will be such a great game and even predicted sales in the 4-5 million region.

Look how people got crazy for The Last Guardian in... I guess it was 2009. It actually won E3 awards for best game of the show (which tells you something about those awards as well).

Look how people praised the NGP, which became the Vita. 3DS was basically doomed for months.

I expect a few teasers and trailers and the internet will be like 'Sony has the best 1st party lineup of all times!'. In reality, it is freaking hard to work with Sony as a studio these days.

Vita was praised because people believed the price was good and because people believe games were coming. The hardware is obviously awesome, that's what people saw at the time. Then Nintendo dropped the price of 3DS by 30%...

I give this post overall 2/10

Last line = wat?

You appear to be breeding a lot of hate. Let it flow through you.

Honestly, I think he's just upset MS isn't getting nearly as much hype as Sony for their next console.  Sony is getting hype not just from diehard fans, but the average gamer, as well.  I got a couple of guys from work who gamed on nothing but the 360 this gen, but said they are jumping ship if the Kinect 2 rumors turn out to be true.  They also don't want to pay for LIve, anymore.  Read similar things from posts on gaming websites, including this one, too.  It's kinda like MS is getting anti-hype, except from diehard fans, from their leaks.  Next gen is going to be interesting.

I lol'd.

Sonys hype is internet-exclusive. Just like the hype for the Vita was and the hype for every Sony published game in 2012.
99.8% of the video game market don't even know about the PS4 reveal.

And for what exactly should MS get this hype for? They haven't said anything.

nearly 7 million people know it from youtube teaser alone.  For comparison, most popular Microsoft advertisement on youtube has 2.5 million hits and it was uploaded 5 months ago.

I am 5 of those 7 million.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...