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This might already be posted and if so please point me to the correct one so I may share my opinion please.

Netflix coming to PS3, XBOX 360 Full Details! UPDATE!

I just filled out a survey that asked the following questions:
“If as part of your Netflix membership you could instantly watch movies and TV episodes on your TV with your PS/3 or XBOX 360, how likely would you/anyone in your household be to do that?”

We all knew this was coming, but 2008 exciting! The survey continues with specific details for PS3:

“Now you can watch movies from Netflix instantly by using your Internet-connected Playstation 3.  Simply insert a special Netflix disc into your PS/3 to enable instant movie streaming.  The disc is available from Netflix for a one-time fee of $3.”

and Xbox 360:

“Now you can watch movies from Netflix instantly by using your existing Xbox LIVE account.  You can choose from over 7,000 movies and TV series, and your choice starts playing on your TELEVISION in as little as 30 seconds. ”

Additionally there are no additional fees as this says:

“Watching is included in your Netflix plan.  There are no extra fees and there are no limits on how much you can watch. ”

 This is exciting news indeed and im DEFINATELY IN! No more hooking up my laptop to watch Netflix movies!

Those people doubting this is legimate here a screenshot of the PS3 portion of the survey(I have removed the actual link for I am unsure if Netflix want’s random people filling out the survey) other people have also confirmed receiving this email:


I would be ALL over these in a heartbeat.  Unlimited rentals of movies and tv shows for a monthly fee!  Would cancel my cable service if this is true.