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Max King of the Wild said:
RazorDragon said:
Max King of the Wild said:
RazorDragon said:
morenoingrato said:
But when Microsoft makes an arrogant comment, Sony fans get on fire.

Hypothetically, what way would have all of you reacted had Nintendo (and I'm not saying Sony did this) made an insulting dig against Uncharted?

You would have probably used the "Quality" "New IP" and "Innovative" as ammo. Pffff.

I'm not saying the reactions are okay, but the hypocrisy is mind-boogling.

Agreed, hypocrisy at it's finest. However, we are on the Internet, so you can't expect much from people over here.

I dont think that word means what you think it means. However we are on the internet so you can expect people to use words they dont know

It's possible, as I'm not a native english speaker. However, we are on the Internet, so you can expect people making mistakes.


PS: Nice Kaz-Avatar there. Is that a PS-Soap in his hands, or a giant pink PS-thing?

It's from the movie Fight Club and tyler durden makes soap. In the orginal picture it says fight club on the bar of soap. I used it because Jay was complaining about Kazatars and he likes fight club.

As for hypocrisy, it means you do something you condemn. So it isn't hypocrisy because you think we may or may not react a certain way. We would actually have to act in contradiction to what we say. Also, if someone finds it funny and then Nintendo does the same thing and another person finds it insulting that isnt hypocrisy either.

I always find Kaz-avatars funny, so i'm going to see if I can find that movie to watch it.

Also, thanks for your help on the hypocrisy thing.