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DirtyP2002 said:
morenoingrato said:
Oh! Yay! Another Mario game!

Anyway, with all this stealth attacking, Sony is raising the bar really high for this 20th. They better show something mindblowing.


No matter what Sony shows, fans will make it like something mindblowing.
They could show a turd with pencils in it and the internet will go nuts over this anyway.

It doesn't matter which games are shown or teased, the internet will go crazy. Look at the games Sony released last year. Some guys here said PSABR will be such a great game and even predicted sales in the 4-5 million region.

Look how people got crazy for The Last Guardian in... I guess it was 2009. It actually won E3 awards for best game of the show (which tells you something about those awards as well).

Look how people praised the NGP, which became the Vita. 3DS was basically doomed for months.

I expect a few teasers and trailers and the internet will be like 'Sony has the best 1st party lineup of all times!'. In reality, it is freaking hard to work with Sony as a studio these days.

Buddy, you make 0,00% sense, did you know that? You talk nonsense. Sony is not immune to non-shows, I'm sure you were one of the most vocal people when they underdelivered at E3 2006, deservedly so, yet you're here talking bullshit how the internet will praise Sony no matter what they'll show, that simply won't be the case.

If Sony delivers on 20th feb, people have all the reason to go crazy. Are you always this gloomy? And what about the games Sony released last year? Journey, Sound Shapes, WipEout 2048 and Gravity Rush were great games and won GOTY awards, but yeah go and be sulky.