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kljesta64 said:
i agree with the memory expansion thing and i dont think games would suffer if you can play them without the expansion..

Turok 2 I always mention that game in almost every FPS discussion and no one has played it ..its probably the best FPS of all time..and each level is so fu**ing BIG you need literaly days to finish just one level on the first try..story is great,graphics are awesome the music is perfect and even the AI is good when compared to todays standards.

the game deserves some kind of award or atleast a remake its totally forgotten..

100% Agree. You reminded me of how huge Turoks 2's levels were. I remember taking around 3 hours to finish certain levels - absolutely huge. The weapons were awesome as well, like the Cerebral Bore and the Razor Wind. Simple fact is that the Expansion Pack made games better, and Turok 2 was a perfect example of that.

Nintendo Network ID: DaRevren

I love My Wii U, and the potential it brings to gaming.