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grimygunz said:
IM tired about everyone just labling is a suda game. He didn't make the game by himself so dont plaster his name all over it like he made the game by himself in a gargage somewhere. Give credit to eveyone who made the game not just one devs face. Its similar to the crappy way people plastered jade raymon all over assassin creed, and she wasn't even a devloper just a producer.

Is the game a niche game? No there is nothing niche about the gameplay unless you wanna call all motion control wii games niche. it has great reviews and should be played by more people. Its just the way it is. some games even though good dont have the sales that they deserve.

Grasshopper Studios = Suda.

He's the head of Grasshopper. It's his studio.

If you'd perfer we could be saying "Hey Grasshopper games don't sell well."

But Suda is shorter.

Killer 7 was also made by Grasshopper... as were a number of games that never made it out of japan.

Considering the budgets they work with... it's about as "garage" as you can get. That's part of the "punk charm" though.