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JayWood2010 said:

Still pretty cheapt tactics no matter how you twist it.  There is healthy honest companies out there so I do think it is a big deal.  Obesity is getting ridiculous and while i certainly dont blame the food industry, I blame it on people being lazy.  But I dont think this helps either that they can bend the rules so much and get away with it.  A lot of people dont know how to read labels either so it often times does come down to the name.

I'm not twisting it, and I'm not defending it. What I'm saying is that I expect it. I expect companies to try and maximise profits, which may very well include doing something that I personally find wrong. I therefore take it upon myself to learn about these things, and either decide the practices are an acceptable tradeoff (by purchasing the product anyway), or deciding that I can't support such a practice (by not purchasing the product).

Again, I find it more sad that people are unaware of such things going on more than I find it sad that these things are happening at all. People have been taking advantage of each other since the beginning of time. Now is no different.