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Well, I did a 200 mile radius check on Gamestop using zipcodes of New York City, Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Houston and if I had to put out a percentage I would say that about 85% of those stores all had a 4+ (highest stock number GS gives) next to the store name and location. Most of the others were 1-3 and a few 0's.

That was just Gamestop and only four cities and only searching for the Xbox 360 Pro model. Probably a bad example of measuring supply but for a thrown up estimate I would have no problem finding an Xbox 360 in those cities.....considering those are the most populated....and thats not including Wal-Mart, Circuit City, Best Buy, etc etc etc.

I guess I'm just saying that for Microsoft to all of a sudden have supply constraints when the NPD numbers hit is rather suspicious. It just always seemed when the PS3 was selling less than everyone "it sucked" but when the 360 sells less than everyone its because of "supply constraints". Going on to their 3rd year of production I'm going to go ahead and label that one under "yeah, effin, right".

Ask me how to turn a Rottweiler in to a Dodongo and I'll tell you the story of a lifetime.