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Tachikoma said:

PS4 cannot do 4K at anything over 24hz, it does not have displayport, just HDMI1.4, which can support 4k but only at 24hz, which would look awful.

Correct but I expect PS4 to have DisplayPort output.

The increase to 4k would require more video memory than the PS4 has available for anything other than a very basic game but given that the ownership rates of 4K displays are less than 0.1% worldwide right now, no studio in their right mind, first party or otherwise, would waste their time optimizing a game to run at 4k when no matter how well their code is, it would be limited to 24hz, and you could fit the global population of 4k display owners who might buy the game into a single room.

No. PS4 don't need more RAM memory for 4k... the GTX680 have 2GB and it's fine... even the ROPs units is fine (32) because for 1080p 16 ROPs is enough.

If you continue to spout nonsense about the possibility of 4K on the PS4 for anything other than trade-show tech demos (a-la 4 screen GT4), i will be forced to assume you rode the short bus.

4k in PS4 is real... you can believe or not... full 4k movies support and some PSN games in 4k.

My comments in bold.