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Lately, Mario has been milked way way more than usual. Especially on 3DS. I know he's the biggest gaming franchise in the world, but Nintendo used to practice a bit more moderation. I think several series should be cut.

All sports spinoffs need to go, they are no good, usually don't sell that well, and they make for an over saturated Mario world.

Mario Party games should be axed as well, seriously, these are crap. Mario used to stand for quality, and these once again aid to his over milked image.

The only Mario games Nintendo should be making IMO: 2D plats, 1 a console/3D plats, make as many as you want they are so good/Paper Mario, only make if it's a traditional RPG, no more of that SPM or SS crap/Mario Kart 1 a console.

Those are really the only Mario games that should be made, but the catch is that they MUST be good. Look at the 3DS. You have the weakest 3d plat, the weakest 2d plat, the weakest RPG, and a very weak Mario Kart. Mario really had a poor showing on the console. Mario tennis didn't help the situation. :/