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Do you seriously want to re litigate this. During the past generation Sony lost most of its third party exclusives both true and timed. They were no longer the primary platform for development. They received a lot of ports, and they get delayed additional content for games. They don't even garner the majority of games development. Sony doesn't have the fantastic relationship with developers that it once had. You can argue that Sony can do well without all of those things, but they were nice things to have, and they were proof of a incredibly strong relationship that does not exist anymore.

I mean come on look at the big name games on the Vita, and who ended up developing them. If their reputation were sterling Resistance, and Call of Duty wouldn't have been developed for that platform by Nihilistic now would it. A developer know for exceedingly poor quality games. With those two franchises they should have had a number of more competent developers beating their doors down wanting to make those games, but they didn't, and that is a testament to the amount of faith developers have in Sony, and in Sony products.

You want another example look at the Kinect and the Move. Microsoft is getting more support for their peripheral from third parties then Sony is getting for theirs. According to Wikipedia Microsoft has thirty more games supporting their peripheral then Sony has supporting theirs. That isn't both doing the same. One is obviously doing better with third party developers then the other.


As far as independent game developers are concerned. At least Microsoft doesn't have to court them. They give those developers tools to make their games, and the ability to sell them over the marketplace. There are really hundreds on the console, and to be fair I for one am not overly impressed with most of them, but they are there for what it matters.