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Coshidawursti said:
Sony pretty much dominated the world in the last few years - We all know that.
Doesn't matter if they can't conquer the USA - Its their own fault if they don't want to play tons of awesome exclusives.

exactly haha.  Us Americans are blockheaded once we dug into a console.  I can't tell you how many times I show people my exclusive library and all they have for Xbox is Halo and Gears but they've already decided they're going to buy the nextbox first.  It's always the same stuff "I like the controller though" or "yeah but my COD clan is on xbox."  They literally love every exclusive I let them play but it's like some sort of brainwashing cause even when they say stuff like "I'm definitely getting a PS3 this because of all the awesome exclusives and free online" they follow it up with something like "but I can't get used to the analogs/button layout so I'm getting the next xbox for COD and Madden first."  It kinda gets frustrating sometimes because I know most of them had PS2s so they could easily get used to the controller again it's just out of their comfort zone.

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