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sethnintendo said:

RIP Origin Systems, Westwood Studios, Bullfrog Productions, Maxis, and many more.

More EA bashing.  If you're going to bash EA, atleast do it properly.  You're missing Pandemic, Maxis is still around, and Westwood merged with an EA branded studio but according to Wikipedia, the last of those who worked at Westwood "quit" after the Command and Conquer title they were working on was finished.

Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world where developers can continue to be in the red and publishers continue to hemorhage money in order to support them.  EA has shut down a few classic studios that more than likely would be gone today if it wasn't for them being bought out.  Besides.  The owners of those studios never had to sell to EA. 

Why not this though.  Why don't we reference a few development studios that have been shut down by other publishers.  Sony just recently shut down Liverpool, BigBig Studios, Zipper Interactive, etc.  Activision shut down Radical Entertainment.  Capcom shut down Clover Studios.  I'm sure Nintendo has fired employees when they no longer needed them. 

The EA hate is ridiculous though.  Why can't people just enjoy the games that come from these developers and not ride the hate train because it's cool to do so.

Dead Space 3 was released just recently, great game if you like Dead Space, but the hate surrounding it is more like "it's an EA franchise, let's bash it(check the Metacritic user score.")  Never played the first, but Dead Space 2 when playing on normal was a shooter.  Dead Space 3 is a shooter.  You can play on other modes on Dead Space 3 and :O, limited ammo, enemies take off more, etc.  Who would have thought?  Playing single player has no AI partner and the storyline is completely different to not even include John Carver in the story.  Do you want to play Dead Space 3 like you did the first two?  You still can.  

You're upset that EA isn't releasing games to your preferred system.  I'm mad that Nintendo isn't releasing Mario games on the PS3.  You know what I did?  I bought a 3DS.  I'm going to buy a Wii U.  There are a lot of third party developers that don't release games to systems that I'd prefer them to be on.  If I want to play them not much else I can do other than purchase the system.