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RolStoppable said:
Aielyn said:

The point isn't so much about what is happening right now, but what happens once the other platforms are released. Wii wasn't the first one out of the gate, so it wasn't in the same position as the Wii U in that regard (and that's probably the biggest failure in his effort to equate the two systems - he describes the Wii as having come out "close to the start of the generation").

And his greater argument isn't that the Wii U will be a phenomenon like the Wii, but that there's more to the strategy than meets the eye. It's less about the results and more about the intent.

As for THQ, the point is that it'll serve as a case study for the other publishers. Development costs spiraling out of control, greater focus on "online passes", etc, and the fact that they didn't really put much support on the Wii (they did publish de Blob, but other than that, the only notable releases were the niche Deadly Creatures and their WWE series).

And if you pay attention, EdgyDude doesn't so much predict that third parties will all move to the Wii U, but that those that don't are going to fail anyway.

By the point third parties might realize that they need to sell more games, the Wii U will most likely be dead in the water already due to a lack of third party support. This will not result in any sort of measures that benefit Nintendo, but rather efforts to milk the consumers on Sony and Microsoft consoles even more.

The intent behind the Wii U was to get third party support. It's not coming and it's not going to come, so the strategy has failed.

The final point, the inevitable failure for many third parties, is about the only good thing that is coming from Nintendo's self-destruction in the eighth generation.

remind me how things were for the 3ds 3 months after launch and how they are now. Short memory huh?!

Predict to me this: what will happen if nintendo releases a 3d mario and mario kart 8 with say a 70 euro/dollar price cut this christmas? take into account that zelda ww remake will already be out.

Yeah... maybe you are proclaiming failure a bit too early eh? i remember the claims that the vita was going to destroy the 3ds and how doomed it was.